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Enrolling in the St. Croix Valley ALC

STEP 1: Contact counselor

Your counselor or case manager can help you determine the best way to meet your credit requirements and successfully complete your high school career. This may include trying various interventions or attending the ALC. Your counselor may share resources, such as a website or other materials, for an advance look at the ALC program details.

If it is determined that you meet the criteria and are interested in the ALC program, an interview appointment may be scheduled (see below) and student transcripts requested. If you have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), your counselor will make the recommendation for you to attend the ALC with the support of the team leader and/or case manager.

STEP 2: Tour the ALC

Prospective students have the option to attend a group tour held on Fridays at 8 a.m. or to attend an individually scheduled tour with a current ALC student. After the tour, you may have the opportunity to meet with the assistant principal, if interested. The tour is optional.

STEP 3: Attend Interview Appointment (Optional)

Prior to enrolling, you will have the opportunity to participate in an interview appointment with ALC staff to determine if the ALC would be a good fit for your educational needs. During the optional interview, your transcripts will be reviewed and credit evaluations discussed. Program expectations and discipline guidelines will also be reviewed and signed by you and your parent/guardian. A potential course schedule acknowledging your interests would be drafted together with staff. You’d also be given an optional self-assessment as “homework.” Based on information gathered during the interview, those who support your educational interests would make a recommendation for enrollment. Your counselor and assistant principal will be invited to attend.

STEP 4: Complete enrollment paperwork 

Once a recommendation to the ALC is made, your enrollment paperwork would be completed by your family and your transition plan would be implemented.