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ALC Academics & Continual Learning Plan

ALC Academics & Continual Learning Plan

Academic integrity

All work submitted for credit in any class is expected to be the original work of the student submitting the work.  If the submitted work is not the original effort of the student and/or if the words and ideas of other sources are not properly credited, the student may be guilty of plagiarism.

Students who allow their work to be copied (along with the other students involved) may be penalized.  Penalties may include loss of credit for the assignment, parent conference, suspension from school, academic/cognitive skill activity and DVD review, and/or removal from the class.  Administration will have final authority in referrals for cheating or plagiarism.  Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to their teacher’s procedure and policy regarding this issue.

Cheating is defined as any situation in which a student:

  • Copies another student’s work with or without his/her permission;
  • Copies answers from another student’s test, quiz; or exam;
  • Copies and enhances work which is not their own original product;
  • Forwards or transmits work electronically that is pertinent to a test, quiz or class activity.
  • Submits work which is not their own;
  • Is responsible for or participates in the transference of confidential information (e.g. test answers or test/quiz copies) from one class to another;
  • Brings to a testing situation, without authorization, written information that is pertinent to a test, quiz or class activity.
  • Plagiarism is defined as the borrowing or restating of another’s work or ideas and claiming them as one’s own.  Ask yourself the following questions to assure you are not plagiarizing:
  • Have I copied, word for word, all or part of another writer’s work without giving specific credit to that other writer and using quotation marks?
  • Have I copied the work of another writer, artist, or other, making changes here and there, but retaining the main ideas, thought and/or structure?
  • In the case of fiction, have I used a plot invented by another writer, even though telling the story in one’s own words?


Academic Strategies

  • Use your time wisely, make use of “down time” whenever possible on Advisory day

  • Get to class on time, do not miss out on anything to earn credit towards a future goal.

  • Show initiative and begin your work.  Start working on an assignment right away. If you run into problems, you have time to ask your teacher before you leave the classroom or school for the day.

  • Use study time in your classes. If you don’t have a current assignment to work on, study your notes from earlier class periods.

  • Attend the ALC as your choice and your personal commitment to succeed. You will miss out on valuable class discussions and assignments and will have more work when you return.

  • Make a “To Do List” (TDL). In the evening or the early morning, list the tasks you want to accomplish for the day and check off as you complete tasks. Complete the tasks according to their importance and either cross them out or check them off when they are completed.

Continual Learning Plan (CLP)

We believe that each student can have success in our program. Programs use the following strategies to support student achievement and address individual goal(s). Students have a Continual Learning Plan (CLP) with goal that the student, advisor and parent/guardian develop for each school year. We will pilot an online CLP with the potential to expand into a portfolio of success as we address our mission and motto.


Online Learning

Online learning is provided in the after school Credit Recovery Program option.

  1. We want to maximize instructional opportunities to promote credit earning and promote learning.

  2. The after school option is available for learners who seek this online resource.

  3. Independent contracts for IS may be drafted for students seeking digital content.


Targeted Services may be available in sites throughout the district and offer intervention to assist students in grades 1-8 who are behind their peers.

ALternative Education addresses a multitude of learning styles and startegies.  Therefore, special education services are minimal at the ALC as the formal high school setting at Stillwater Area High School has comprehensive options and programs to address special needs students with services beyond what our small learning community may offer in meeting needs of alternative students.