ALC Classroom Discipline
All classroom staff will discuss class expectations. It is imperative that students follow expectations and work directly with the classroom teacher. In circumstances that warrant, you may be directed to the office for disciplinary action. A teacher may use formal or restorative discipline to change behavior. They may direct a student from the classroom to the office for the following reasons:
- Inappropriate behavior
- Insubordination
- Suspected chemical or alcohol use
- Suspected possession of a weapon
- Other violations as defined in the District 834 Discipline Policy or procedures and Code of Conduct outlined in this digital handbook or online documents and <oodle course as required prior to starting the school year.
The teacher, counselor, or assistant principal may inform the student’s parent/guardian of the reason for the removal from class. This notification applies in cases where the student is 18 years of age or older unless Age of Majority procedures have been followed.