Principal's Office
All students personalize their path, earning credit while honoring the diverse social, intellectual, emotional and physical needs of one another.
Welcome to the St. Croix Valley Alternative Learning Center!
Students who attend our small 9-12 plus alternative school create a restorative community where learning is the constant and time is the variable. All students personalize their path earning credit while honoring the diverse social, intellectual, emotional and physical needs of one another. Each year we meet in circle to craft our own core values and mission. We use our classrooms, environmental learning center and digital content to launch learning opportunities with six staff with multiple licenses who provide creative, relevant credit earning opportunities to support students until graduation or until they are 21.
I am happy to visit and welcome a conversation with you about our school.
Mary Leadem Ticiu
Mary Leadem Ticiu
Assistant Principal Stillwater Public Schools
St. Croix Valley Area Learning Center