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Credit Recovery

ALC Student graduating

Register for Credit Recovery

APEX online courses are available at the St. Croix Area Learning Center and Stillwater Area High School through Credit Recovery (CR) to any student in grades 9-12 who need additional support.

Credit Recovery

A second chance toward graduation

Credit Recovery gives students in grades 9-12 the opportunity to recover failed credits while accessing online curriculum and accompanied by licensed teaching staff.

Students interested in recovering credits they have failed to master in the traditional classroom sign up for classes offered throughout the year using Apex, an online resource tool that allows students to work independent of school yet in tandem with licensed teachers who help guide their 9-12 path.

  • Allows students to maintain status and graduate with class
  • Pass/No Pass grading
  • Courses offered are for recovery only, not for original credit

Students who have failed a class during the school year should work with their counselor to register for Credit Recovery to make up a required credit.

Check with your counselor for more information.

About Credit Recovery

Students have access to a variety of courses through an online program called APEX. Students in Credit Recovery must sign-on to APEX three days a week and complete assignments to earn credit. Students have APEX access 24/7 and can receive teacher support online from home on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:15 - 4 p.m. during school year sessions.

Suggested participants include:

  • Students who are serious about trying to restart and continue their path towards credit earning
  • Students who are adept at using online courses
  • Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have failed a course and seek to earn the credit online with licensed teacher support
  • Freshmen with counselor recommendation 

Students enrolled in CR may carry over/add their past APEX credit. They must advocate and show evidence in APEX if they have an existing APEX class at Stillwater Area High School.

Students enrolled in other school districts will be expected to enroll in the district and join the ALC entity. If they complete their courses, they will receive a letter as a record of completion to the partner school. Partial credits are not awarded unless agreed upon in advance.

Important Attendance Requirement
Students must login to APEX each week to count for attendance. After five consecutive absences students will be dropped from the program. Not making progress? Your account may close and you will need to wait for the next session to re-enroll. 

Course Expectations
APEX courses are standards based. These courses include: English 9, 10, 11, 12; Science 9, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geometry, Advanced Algebra/Algebra w Quads, Algebra 3 or equivalent option, Health, PE, Geography/Global Studies, World History, US History, Economics, and Government.

Earning Credit
Students must satisfactorily make progress and complete 60% of the course. Partial credit is not awarded in Credit Recovery and extensions are not available beyond the program dates. Grades will post at the end of semester unless otherwise warranted. Students making up credit through Credit Recovery are not awarded letter grades. Once a student has completed all requirements, a P/Pass grade is recorded and emailed to be added to the Skyward student transcript. Families will receive a confirmation email upon completion.  

A student who is dropped because of behavior or attendance receives no credit and no mark on the transcript. Parents need to support the serious commitment as there are clear and revised expectations.

All students are to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. All District 834 discipline policies apply in this after school program. If a student is referred to an administrator, a parent/guardian will be contacted and a decision will be made as to whether the student can remain in the program. Teachers will distribute and review behavioral, academic, and entrance and exit expectations.